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Free Property Valuation

At Turtle Creek Land Network we understand that one of the hardest parts of farm and recreational land real estate is knowing how to value your property. In order to more thoroughly help our buyers and sellers, we are offering a free property valuation to help you in making the right decisions for you and your family. 

If you are considering selling, we will discuss your specific property and the contributing factors that will help determine a fair market value for that piece of property. We have comps to show similar tracts that have sold recently in your area as well as the insight to determine the underlying factors that drive values, whether your property is farmland, timber, or strictly recreational.

We can also help prospective buyers with property valuation whether or not you already own land. To do this, we suggest you pick out your ideal property on a map, or show us a friend's property that is similar to what you are trying to find. Depending on whether or not we can access the property, and what type of history is known about that property, we can generate a good idea of what that given tract may sell for if it were on the market today. You will gain a better understanding of what type of property you can purchase in which areas while staying within your budget. After we discuss values and recent land sale comps, you may decide that you are ready to make a purchase of your own. If you would like for us to work for you as your buyer's agent, we are ready and willing to help. If you are not quite ready to take the next step, please keep us in mind as your work toward achieving your land ownership goals. We will be here when you are ready.

If you would like to have a free property valuation done as a buyer or seller, please contact us by phone at 901-573-6678, or by email at

You may also fill out the form below and we will get in touch soon. 

*Please keep in mind that this service is not an appraisal, and should not be considered as such, nor should it be used in place of a certified appraisal*

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